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White's 21st Set - 6th Le Soleil Couchant

The Lancers, White's Twenty First Sett of Quadrilles
Introduction and honours (8 bars)
8 barsAll 4 couples promenade around the set
8 barsThe four ladies join hands and circle to the left, then back to the right; meanwhile, the men circle once around to the right
8 barsFirst couple promenade anticlockwise inside set, finish with the lady turning under the mans arm into places
8 barsThe head couple chasse croise then cross into opposite places, then chasse croise and cross back
8 barsThe head couples advance to meet the side couple to their right, right hand star half around and break off to return home
8 barsAll four couples Balancé to partners, and two hand turn once around
Repeat for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th couples in turn

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