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Les Plaisirs des Anglois (British Amusements)

The Cotillons, Made Plain and Easy, by Thomas Hurst
8 barsIntroduction
8 barsFIRST CHANGE: All eight join hands and circle half way around, and back again
1 barsThe first couple join hands and pass between the second couple to change places with them
1.5 barsThe head couples separate away from each other and pass around the nearest corner person; the side couples separate to make space for the heads to pass through them
1.5 barsThe first man and second lady join hands and pass between the second man and first lady, ending in front of a side couple
4 barsThe separated head couples make four passes of rights and lefts with the side couple nearest them
4 barsThe head couples face back into the centre, form a right hand star and go once around
1 barsThe first man and second lady join hands and pass between the second man and first lady
3 barsThe side couples again separate as the head couples pass between them and then cast home
16 barsRepeat the figure with the third couple leading
Continue with 2nd change, main figure, third change and so on

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