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English Regency Dances, Costumes, Balls, Etiquette, Lessons and Music

De'il Take the Warr

3-couple longways set
Dancing Master I, 17th ed. (1721); Andrew Shaw interpretation Tune: circa 1696, 4/4, D major (B music is ten bars)
Introduction and Honours (4 bars)
4 barsFirst couple cast and 2-hand turn while second couple move up
4 barsFirst couple go down through the third couple, cast up and 2-hand turn
4 barsSecond couple, now at the top, cast and 2-hand turn. while first couple move up
4 barsSecond couple go down through the third couple, cast up and 2-hand turn
4 barsMen hey on their own side
6 barsFirst man zigzag down the set, crossing R hands with partner, L diagonal with 2nd M, R with 2nd W, L diagonal with 3rd M, R with 3rd W, 1st M turn single L.
4 barsLadies hey on the the mens side
6 barsFirst lady zigzag down the set, crossing R hands with opposite, L diagonal and so on. Turn single L.
New top couple repeats the dance
LAST TIME ONLY - Everyone turn single L on last bar

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